京都大学国际交流服务办公室 京都大学国际交流服务办公室




The following video provides information on the various procedures required after arriving in Japan, as well as other useful information for living in Japan.

1. Procedures at the City Hall

The National Health Insurance Card shown in slide 02-01 (at 2:30) was changed to a new type of card called Shikaku-Kakuninsho (資格確認書) from December 2, 2024.

1-2. How to fill out the application forms for procedures at the city hall
2. Opening a Bank Account
3. Medical Care and Insurance -in case of emergency-

The National Health Insurance Card shown in slide 00-02 (at 00:16) was changed to a new type of card called Shikaku-Kakuninsho (資格確認書) from December 2, 2024.

4. Guidance Video for Newly Enrolled International Students (intranet excluding Part 2)
All international students are required to watch this orientation video.
*Note: ECS-ID or SPS-ID is required to see part 1, 3, and 4.
Please ask the student affairs office of your affiliation for ECS-ID.
5.Video on Disaster Prevention (intranet)
*Note: ECS-ID or SPS-ID is required when access the website.
6. Potential Risks in Student Life