
Medical care, Medical insurance for foreign nationals

Kyoto University Health Service
Health Service
Campus URL
Kyoto University Nursery Room for Sick Children “KOMOMO”

Kyoto University Nursery Room for Sick Children, “KOMOMO” is a day-care facility that Provides care for sick or convalescent babies/children. All the students, researchers, and Faculty/staff members at Kyoto University are eligible, Fee and advanced registration are required.

Mental Health Support Services
On-Campus Services
Counseling Office at the Kyoto University General Student Support Center

Please note: counselling for international students is available in Japanese only.

On-Campus Advice Services for International Students
  • Student Lounge KI-ZU-NA (peer support)
  • International Student Advising Room at the Education Promotion and Student Support Department.
The recording and materials of the health management online lecture for international students (intranet)
*Note: ECS-ID or SPS-ID is required when access the website.
Off-Campus Services
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Free telephone consultation service for foreign people

Inquiries TEL: 0120-279-338 (Toll free)
Kyoto City International Foundation Counseling Days
for Non-Japanese Residents (free of charge, advance reservation required.)

Interpretation service is available in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, and Thai is available.

Inquiries TEL: 075-752-3511
Hospital and Clinic

When ill, go to a medical care provider with your Health Insurance Card(保険証)or “Shikaku-Kakuninsho” (資格確認書).
Office hours for most medical care providers in Japan are limited to weekdays and Saturdays morning. You may search for medical facilities at the following website.
Please see also the video.

Kyoto Health Medical YOROZU net
Kyoto Medical Interpreter Dispatch Service

A free medical interpreter dispatch service for non-Japanese speakers who Live in Kyoto is available at the following three hospitals. Please contact one of the Interpreter Request Counters at participating hospitals in person no later than five days prior to the desired appointment. Check the list below for specific day/hour availabilities. In general, the medical interpreter cannot conduct interpreting over the phone. Available languages: English, Chinese, Korean

Kyoto City Hospital
Day/Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00 - 12:00
TEL 075-311-5311
Remarks Chinese interpreter is available only on Tuesday and Friday.
Advanced reservation for Chinese interpreter is not necessary.
Ijinkai Takeda General Hospital
Day/Hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
9:00 - 12:00
TEL 075-572-6331
Remarks Advanced reservation for Chinese interpreter is not necessary.
Kyoto-Katura Hospital
Day/Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00 - 12:00
TEL 075-391-5811
Kyoto City Simultaneous Interpretation Service
Languages English, Chinese, Korean ,Spanish and Portuguese
Service area Kyoto City only

Kyoto City provides simultaneous interpretation services in five languages for its Emergency telephone service for fires, medical emergencies, disasters, etc.
The service is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. If you need to call an ambulance or the fire department, dial 119 and hold the line until an interpreter answers.

hotline 119
Information on Japan Medical Institutions
The List of Medical Institutions Accepting Foreign Tourists Visiting Japan

Medical institutions in Japan can be searched by area, language and medical department.

Medical Institutions’Usage Guide When Suffering Accidental Injuries/Diseases
  • Basic information on Japan’s medical institutions.
  • How to consult medical institutions and attentive matters.
  • Point to communicate conversation sheets for explaining symptoms/disease conditions, etc.
Japan Tourism Agency, MLIT
Kyoto Prefecture’s Medical Guidebook for Foreigner
The Meiji Yasuda Mental Health Foundation Communication Support Board
Medical Insurance for Foreign Nationals

Medical expenses can be costly without insurance. Contact your insurance agency to ask about overseas accident and health coverage. If your insurance policy does not cover overseas medical costs, please enroll in overseas travel accident insurance before or after coming to Japan. We also recommend that you enroll in a policy with emergency reunion coverage, liability insurance and a repatriation service. If it is difficult to enroll in overseas travel accident insurance in your country, some Japanese insurance companies offer policies which can be enrolled in before or after your arrival in Japan. Please be sure to carefully confirm the details of the coverage before you enroll.

Overseas travel accident insurance policies available after arrival in Japan
Tokyo Marine Nichido
Period of insurance from the day following application to the day of departure from Japan (maximum 31 days).
  • Online application available (within Japan only)
    Payment method: credit card
  • “Cashless” medical treatment (treatment for which the insurance company pays the medical institution directly) is available at some medical institutions.
  • Telephone services available 24 hours per day 365 days per year in English, Chinese, and Korean
    (e.g. hospital recommendations, medical Interpreting).
Inquiries Tokyo Marine Nichido Customer Center
9:00 – 17:00 (closed on Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays)
Support is available in English.
Sompo Japan Nipponkoa
Period of insurance 1 – 30 days (not extendable)
  • Online application available (within Japan only)
    Payment method: credit card
  • Telephone services available 24 hours per day 365 days per year in English, Chinese, and Korean
    (e.g. hospital recommendations, medical Interpreting).
  • “Cashless” medical treatment (treatment for which the insurance company pays the medical institution directly) is available at some medical institutions.
Inquiries Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Support Call Center
TEL: 0120-950786 (English)
TEL: 0120-950857 (Chinese)
TEL: 0120-950913 (Korean)
9:00 – 17:00 (closed December 31 to January 3)
Applications must be made through your host professor prior to your arrival in Japan
JISTEC (Japan International Science and Technology Exchange Center)
Comprehensive Insurance System for Foreign Researchers
  • Applications must be made through and confirmed by your host professor prior to your arrival in Japan.
    Payment: Bank account funds transfer.
  • International researchers on long-term (employment) or short-term (invitation) stays are eligible.
    Period of insurance: From one day up to five years (determined by applicant).
  • Cashless medical treatment (treatment for which the insurance company pays the medical institution directly) is provided.
  • Accident coverage is included.
Inquiries JISTEC Tokyo Head Office
TEL: +81-3-5825-9391
FAX: +81-3-5825-9392